With an attendance of over 15,000, the 6th annual Spook Show festival is expected to bring in even more bodies as the event continues to grow due to the grassroots approach employed by Halloween Club and love from the local spooky community.
Halloween Club beckons to connect other local and small businesses to an open audience who are more than willing to give them and their wares a chance. A huge thank you to all sponsors that support this annual conjuring.
What is Halloween Club's annual Spook Show? Read a write up with OC Weekly's Scott Feinblatt

Events By Noonan

Needle Free Productions

Cinema Secrets Professional Cosmetics

WOOCHIE Makeup Special FX by Cinema Secrets

Red Eye Media Screen-printing & Embroidery


Aahs! Signs & Engraving

Horn Distribution
Interested in sponsoring or donating to our free Halloween event? Please email